TEAMdpa Auditions 2023/24

Be part of TEAMdpa 2023/2024 to expand your potential in DANCE with our intensive trainings lead by award winning choreographers who have more than 10 years of competition experiences! Grace the stage with competition opportunities specially for TEAMdpa dancers.
TEAMdpa is a specially crafted talent development programme for the budding dancers. We aim to provide a conducive environment where talented young dancers can further develop their Dance Techniques and Stage Performance qualities in a TROUPE dance setting. This special training group will be given valuable stage experience and opportunities in both International & Singapore Dance Competition and Performance platforms, as well as Overseas Exchange. They will compete in a troupe setting up to 25 dancers.
There will be opportunities to be selected and trained as Pre Professional Ballet and Contemporary soloists, or additional items such as Lyrical and Jazz Solo/Duo/Trio/Ensemble. Compulsory Acrobatics is introduced as part of the troupe training.
TEAMdpa is a subsidized programme (up to 50%) as Dancepointe Academy believes in providing stage and training opportunities to many with a lower cost structure and to be line with our Mission: Dance as An Education.
The Apprentice Company (TAC):
A pre-professional division of TEAMdpa, the programme delivers a specialised training in Classical Ballet and Contemporary Solos for outstanding Apprentice Team students. For more information:
Only students with Distinction in last ballet exam are eligible to apply for TAC Ballet. However there is no prerequisite for TAC Contemporary.
Age eligibility: (In the national year that they will be competing):Ballet Soloists: 6 years and aboveContemporary Soloists: 9 years and above
Read: for our past competition awards.
Note that all PSLE, O Levels and A Levels students do not need to join the Apprentice Troupe item, if they are selected as the soloists.
2023/24 Bursaries (TEAMdpa Financial Assistance Plan) will be given out to all successfully selected TEAMdpa. Up to 2 per class will be awarded this Bursary.
2023/24 Scholarships worth $10,000 will be given to outstanding achievers of 2023 Competitions.
Audition Venue: Dancepointe Academy HQ @ Ang Mo Kio. Address: 712 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6 #03-4056 Singapore 560712
Audition Date: 9th – 10th August 2023
The Term will start from 27th October 2023.
For Contemporary TEAM (Born 2011 and earlier), please refer to our Contemporary Faculty :
Kindly take note of the following important information for the safety and well-being of all involved.
*All participants have to use Covid Self Test within 24 hours that cover the Audition Start and end time .
*All Parents are to leave the premises immediately after dropping off the dancers. Safe distancing is needed at the registration area.
Step 1: Register and make payment of SGD 15 online via this Registration Link.
(Registration is open from April and close on 31st July 2023, 2359hrs.)
Step 2: An Audition Video access link will be sent via the Auto Reply Page once registration is done successfully on the website. The videos will be uploaded on this access link on 1st August 2023, 12pm.
Step 3: Students will need to learn all the Audition exercises from the videos beforehand. Please pick up the videos made for their year of birth only.
Step 4: Students will be asked to perform the exercises they have learnt through the videos during the Audition. The teachers will also guide them through the exercises.
Notes: Students who are selected as TAC Ballet or Contemporary soloists will autoroll to TEAMdpa Troupes. However, they need to attend the Troupe Audition as there will be a selection for additional items in Jazz and Lyrical, and they do not need to register via the link.
For any enquiries please send your email to