RAD Exam 2025

Things to Take Note of on Exam Day
Before your examination, Dancepointe will prepare an excuse letter for your perusal. Other than its main function of excusing you from school for the day, the letter will include information relating to your examination, such as Examination Date, Reporting Time and Place Examination Attire Examination Items to Bring (i.e. Ribbon, Character Skirt and Shoes, etc)
To hold the exam jitters at bay, it would definitely be good practice to take note of such information, ensure that you have all required items and arrive in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary stress to yourself.
Tip: A general rule of thumb would be to follow your teacher's advice and instructions on the reporting time, hair and attire!
Other than the result classification that are awarded based on the total marks a student obtains in their
examinations, as an incentive for our dancers, we will also be preparing the following awards for dancers with amazing learning attitudes, grit and determination.
Top Scorer in Grade/Class & Best Character Award
Know that all your hard work and efforts will not be in vain, and we hope to see every one of you take your ballet techniques and skills to the next level!
Keep the fire going and continue to reach for the stars! We look forward to your continuous improvement and achievements in the examinations! All the best!